Today, I will be sharing how to easily create a space to post assignments and other classroom information. I just moved rooms this year so I had a bit of a dilemma! In my old classroom, I had a whiteboard that was dedicated to the daily planner information. Best of all, I choose to leave what I write for homework up ALL WEEK so that students who are absent can see what they need to do to catch up, OR, so that students CAN see that I really DID assign “that” assignment.
In my new classroom, there just wasn’t a board that I could use. I was really quite unhappy about it as this is part of my teaching routine and one that I don’t want to change! (If you don’t do planners, this is still a great way to write reminders of upcoming events for the week and such).
As I was going through the treasures that were left by the previous retiring teacher, I found a box of old whiteboards that were cut from shower wall material. As I counted them out, I was pleased to see that I would have plenty of extra boards. I knew EXACTLY what I wanted to do.
Needed Materials:
-5 Whiteboards (or similar writing surfaces)
-3 Inch Mailbox Letters (I got mine at Wal-Mart for $3.00)
-Double-Sided Tape (You want heavy duty tape for this)
-Cupboards/Space to Hang Boards
Step One:
First, you will need to mark each board with the day of the week. I only use the first letter (except for Thursday, which I use a TH).
(Monday was hung up before I took the picture- Oops!)
Step Two:
I put a good amount of double-stick tape on the back. You don’t want them falling off and breaking.
Decide where you want to hang the boards. As you can see, my boards are pretty high up, but I am tall and can reach them easily. I love that the students CAN’T reach them!
This is what mine look like hanging up. It is simple, clean looking, and just big enough to write their daily homework and reminders on (I give VERY little homework).
Step Three:
Here is a day up-close:
I write the date, subject, and assignment. EASY-PEASY!
Time to Get Started:
The best part is that my administrator LOVES it! He can see what assignments I have been giving just by looking on my wall, and parents love it because they can pop in and see what we have been doing as well.
I hope this easy tip will inspire you to create a space to share your assignments and other classroom information.
Check out our post: How to Organize your Work Day Like a Boss! for more management ideas!
Cheers and have a great school year-

This post first appeared on The Primary Chalkboard blog in August of 2014. This post was updated and moved to my new website/blog on May 24, 2020.
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