In today’s pandemic world, kindness seems to have taken a back seat. But, it’s more important than ever to bring kindness back to the mainstream!

Language of Kindness
As a principal of an elementary school, and an educator since 2001, I have done all in my power to teach kindness, respect, helpfulness, and all the other traits of what society would call social skills and traits.
Then, along comes a global pandemic and creates a reversal of all our teaching and training…
-Stay away from each other
-Don’t Share
-Stay Home
-Keep your face covered
It seems the underlying message is to live in fear, to set aside all that we have worked hard to teach our children, and isolate ourselves away.
And yes, I understand the REASON those messages exist. I just think there is a better way to manage them. We can’t turn away from the messages of hope, kindness, respect, and more.
My Inspiration to Create Art That Inspires!
Hence, the reason I created an entire series of coloring pages with positive and uplifting quotes. Here is a sampling of each of the 11 traits I intentionally selected:

I call this series Color-Spirations, short for Coloring Inspirations. There are 11 traits that I focused on that I want my students to be reminded of this school year! 11 sets with three quotes in each set. This provides students with multiple opportunities to learn, be reminded, and share that remembrance with those around them!
Make the commitment to inspire your students/children/co-workers/family/friends to rekindle these traits and shine!
We are giving away our Kindness set of quotes for FREE! YAY! Just click HERE to claim your free color page quote! We off the additional ten sets for a nominal charge. And, if you buy all ten paid sets, you will get a bonus bundle of 11 quotes- one for each of the 11 traits FOR FREE!
I wish each of you an amazing school year, as it will be one like we have never before experienced. But I believe that together we can and will make it a success!

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