Welcome to Post #3 about using Musical Language to help students understand poetry. This is the third post in a series of posts about my journey teaching poetry to a group of 60 students composed of 4th, 5th, and 6th-grade students. If you missed the intro post to this series, click HERE and check it out.
A Review of Rhythm and Repetition
Get the Students Writing Poetry

Share Classwork Samples

This sample below is from a student who was VERY hesitant and resistant to trying. But, I coaxed and cheered until the student finally gave it a try. I think the results are amazing. This student even used a tool we hadn’t addressed yet- onomatopoeia. An avid hunter, this student wrote about something he/she could relate to: Duck Hunting!

Introducing Tool #2-Part A- Musical Language
So, after we had a good share time, we moved on to Tool #2- Musical Language. I tied this to the 6-traits of writing’s Word Choice trait.

Lesson Wrap-Up Activity

~Post #4 Coming Soon~
Please Note: This post (and the others in the series) were the basis of my Easy Teach Poetry Unit. This unit will cover all the types of poetry found in this series in a simplified and flexible format.
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