Easy Teach Poetry: An Introduction HELLO! I am super excited to be reviving my posts from a few years ago on how to teach poetry in an easy and engaging way! I hope you enjoy the 11-part series. Any freebie handout from a post you encounter will be found in the Subscriber's Perks page (YAY!). For your reading pleasure the first of a series of posts that will chronicle my venture in teaching 60 students (4th, 5th, and 6th) a mega unit on poetry. It was quite the adventure, and I ... continue reading...
What to Expect in 2017 and a FREEIBE
Wow! 2016 seems like a GREAT, BIG, BLUR! We here at Created by MrHughes had many dreams for our business that didn't quite make it into the realm of reality. BUT- never fear, those ideas are not forgotten! But, it has given us even MORE excitement for the coming year. We have some ENORMOUS plans that we know you are going to love! WAHOO! Here is a taste of what you can expect: More consistent blog posts! And not just haphazard blog posts, mind you. But, many blog posts that YOU get to ... continue reading...
5 Reasons to Give Thanks for Teachers
Giving Thanks. It seems so simple. So utterly perfect. Spout a few words of appreciation, and you've got it covered, right? WRONG! Giving thanks goes deeper than standard greetings and empty words. Here are five reasons (in no particular order) to give thanks to teachers, especially during this holiday season. Dedication. Teachers are dedicated. I read stories and social media updates of teachers spending their weekends grading papers, preparing lessons and ... continue reading...
Why You Should Have Consistent Daily Practice
Consistent practice in ANY subject is a challenge. Let's face it. There is NEVER enough time in the day to teach everything we have to teach. NEVER! So being consistent in anything becomes a challenge for even the most experienced educator. That is why we, as teachers, MUST use every single second to teach, instruct, guide, and model for our students. At my school, we call this "sacred teaching time." I will post more on this another time, but essentially it means that every second I have ... continue reading...
Dear Teachers, It’s Time To Tell Our Stories!
Stories abound. But are they the ones we want people to hear? Stories. They are out there. Have you watched a news report lately? No? Go ahead. Turn on the TV and see for yourself. Or better yet, Google teachers and see what comes up. That's right, people- all the NEGATIVE crap out there. Rarely do we hear the good that educators and schools are doing. Some might tell you it's because positive doesn't "sell." I have always found that statement offensive. Of COURSE positive will "sell"- ... continue reading...