As a school administrator, I can tell you that only having kids in my office when they are in trouble isn’t something that I really enjoy. So, I decided to do something about it.
Informing the Faculty and Staff:
My first step was to inform the faculty and staff that we needed to focus on the good students are doing much more than the negative. We discussed ways to make the office, specifically MY office, something kids didn’t fear.
Recognizing the Good In Writing (Office Referral Form)
Next, I created a way for the faculty and staff to recognize a student, provide a tangible record, and give me a talking piece when meeting in my office. My Positive Office Referral Forms have changed a bit over time, but the basics are still included: What the student did that deserves recognition, a note from the teacher expressing their appreciation/pride/excitement, and a place for me, as the administrator, to share my praise.
To Reward or Not to Reward:
When a student receives a Positive Office Referral, I go and get them from class. We walk to my office together and I visit with the student about their day or how the year is going. We sit in my office and I read the student the note from their teacher. I praise them for their achievement and add my own note to the referral.
After we have had a chance to visit, I get out my treat box and let them choose a treat. I have food and non-food items for students to choose from. Nothing big, as I want the focus to be on the praise and the recognition for doing good!
School to Home Connection:
Once the meeting is over, I have my secretary mail the form home to the student’s family. It is the perfect home to school connection and shows that as a school we are focusing on the positive!
This simple to run program costs little in material goods or time, but has made a HUGE difference in our students. My office isn’t a scary place where you are sent when you are bad, but a place where the principal visits with students about their good and/or bad choices.
Try it out today! If you don’t want to create your OWN forms, I have a HUGE assortment already made and available for purchase.
Click HERE to check it out!
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